Publication Jean-Philippe Dequen

February 09, 2016

The English legal journal Family Law has published in its January issue (vol. 46) a summary of the papers presented at the ‘Islamic marriage conundrum’ symposium held in May 2015 at the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies in London, and co-organised by Dr. Jean-Philippe Dequen, Researcher at the Institute. This symposium focused on the problems revolving around the possible recognition of non-registered Islamic marriages within the English legal frame. It attracted a wide audience ranging from academics, to legal professionals, members of the English judiciary and Law Commission, as well as Muslim arbitrators. Dr. Dequen’s presentation, entitled ‘Lessons from abroad: Muslim marriages in India’, centred on the difficult translation of the Islamic legal concept of mahr (dower) within English contract law, as transferred and applied in colonial India.

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